Hello! I'm Yuyan Chen.

Psychology Researcher → UX UI Designer

Psychology Researcher → UX UI Designer

Psychology Researcher →
UX UI Designer

I'm a LA-based UX/UI Designer with a background in Psychology. Since 2018, I've been working as a UX UI designer across various industries, at companies such as Honda, J. Paul Getty Museum, B2Sign, Sinica Education, BabyCare, YFU.org…

Before becoming a designer, I was a Psychology Researcher at UCLA while pursuing a Ph.D. I also taught undergrad classes about Psychology and Research Method/Analysis. Feel free to take a look at my publication.

I switched my career path to Design after developed a strong interest in human-centric problem-solving, applying my knowledge in Psychology to creating purposeful design.

I recently finished my Masters degree in Industrial Design @ArtCenter. Currently looking for full-time, contract, and freelance opportunities. Looking forward to what's coming next.

Feel Free to Say Hi! 👋🏼
Open to full-time, contract, freelance opportunities ✨

©Yuyan Chen 2023

Feel Free to Say Hi! 👋🏼
Open to full-time, contract, freelance opportunities ✨

©Yuyan Chen 2023

Feel Free to Say Hi! 👋🏼
Open to full-time, contract, freelance opportunities ✨

©Yuyan Chen 2023